Yoojin Oh
Institute of Biophysics, Johannes Kepler University Linz
yoo_jin.oh[at]jku.at | |
Project Name | SPMBIOFILM |
Publication Page | http://scholar.google.at/citations?hl=en&user=jDuKPsUAAAAJ |
Field of research | Physics, Biophysics, Nanotechnology |
Keywords | Atomic Force Microscopy | Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy | Biofilm | |
Binding mechanisms of microbial pathogens viewed on the single-molecule level
What is my research about?
My research aims at understanding the binding mechanisms of pathogens on the single-molecule level. I provide a comprehensive overview of the use of Bio-SPM based force spectroscopy for studying the strength and dynamics of cell adhesion from the single-molecule to the cellular level, so as to elucidate how different microorganisms dynamically regulate their mechanical and adhesive properties at the nano-scale.
Why did I become a scientist?
Which tasks/activities take up most of my time?