Veronika Hyden-Hanscho

Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences

Email veronika.hyden-hanscho[at]
Project Name IMET
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Field of research economic and social history, early modern period, cultural history
Keywords “noble elites” “entrepreneurs” “industrialization” “globalization” “material culture” “consumption” “migration” “historical network analysis” “fiscal-military state” “cultural transfer”

Veronika Hyden-Hanscho holds the prestigious Elise-Richter Fellowship awarded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). She is Research Associate at the Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. In 2011 she earned the PhD at the University of Graz (Austria) and was Lecture for Austrian Studies at the University of Wrocław (Poland) from 2011 to 2013. She is the author of Reisende, Migranten, Kulturmanager. Mittlerpersönlichkeiten zwischen Frankreich und dem Wiener Hof (1630–1730) (Stuttgart, 2013), co-editor of Das Haus Arenberg und die Habsburgermonarchie. Eine transterritoriale Adelsfamilie zwischen Fürstendienst und Eigenständigkeit (16.–20. Jahrhundert) (Regensburg, 2019), and has published in the Journal of Modern European History and The Journal of European Economic History. She is currently working on a study of ‘Income, Management and Economic Thinking: Noble Entrepreneurship in the Habsburg Monarchy in the 18th Century’ and edits a themed volume entitled ‘Formative Modernities in the Early Modern Atlantic and Beyond – Identities, Polities
and Glocal Economies’.