Michaela Raggam-Blesch

Institute of Contemporary History, Vienna University

Email michaela.raggam-blesch[at]univie.ac.at
Website https://zeitgeschichte.univie.ac.at/en/ueber-uns/projektmitarbeiterinnen/michaela-raggam-blesch/
Project Name Everyday life and Persecution of “Mixed Families”
Publication Page https://zeitgeschichte.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/i_zeitgeschichte/CVs_und_Pub/Raggam-Blesch_Publikationen-3_2020.pdf
Field of research Humanities
Keywords Austrian Jewish history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries | Antisemitism studies | Gender studies | Oral history | Microhistory | Holocaust and Genocide studies
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaela-raggam-blesch-21098a133/

Michaela Raggam-Blesch is a historian at the Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Vienna, where she is currently completing her habilitation on “Mixed Marriages” and their families during the Nazi period in Vienna, funded by the Elise Richter grant (Austrian Science Fund), the Marie Jahoda fellowship and the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah. From 1999–2003 she worked at the Leo Baeck Institute in New York and was among the first fellows of the Center for Jewish History Fellowship in 2003. She was curator of several exhibitions on the Holocaust. Her research interests include Austrian Jewish history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Antisemitism studies, Gender studies, Oral history, Microhistory and Holocaust and Genocide studies.