Katharina Paul
University of Vienna
Website | https://katharinatpaul.at |
Project Name | KNOW-VACC |
Field of research | policy analysis, medical sociology, STS |
Keywords | vaccination | policy | values | data |
Katharina Paul is a political scientist specializing in policy analysis. Her main research area is health policy, in particular vaccination policy. Her research addresses the politics of vaccination, including systemic drivers of vaccine uptake. She was awarded a FWF Start Prize in 2021 and will commence her project “Valuing Vaccination: a multi-sited policy valuography” in 2022 after completing her Richter project. Katharina studied in Israel, Austria, and the UK, and holds a PhD from the University of Amsterdam. In her research, she works at the intersection of critical policy studies and science and technology studies (STS) and draws on a variety of primarily qualitative methods. Katharina has also experimented with citizen science methods in her FWF Top Citizen Science grant. She is editorial board member at the Journal of Health Economics, Policy and Law and Critical Policy Studies.