Elisabeth Reisinger
University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna
reisinger-e[at]mdw.ac.at | |
Website | https://www.mdw.ac.at/imi/elisabeth_reisinger/ |
Project Name | Performers as Commissioners |
Publication Page | https://www.mdw.ac.at/imi/?PageId=4315 |
Field of research | Musicology |
Keywords | twentieth century music | performance studies |arts patronage |
Elisabeth studied musicology and history at the University of Vienna, where she was engaged in several research projects on music at the Bonn Court in the late eighteenth century (2013–2018). In 2019, she was a postdoc fellow at the Austrian Historical Institute in Rome and subsequently at Harvard University’s Department of Music. In August 2020, she returned to the University of Vienna to complete her FWF-Schrödinger-project on Benny Goodman. Before she started her current position as an Elise Richter-fellow at the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna, she held a short term research fellowship by the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel. Since 2017, she has been Secretary General of the Austrian Society for Musicology.
Elisabeth’s research articulates a relational conception of music as a vibrant and dynamic sociocultural practice, driven by a specific interest in the relationships, networks, and agencies of musical actors. In her ongoing work, she highlights the economic and creative involvement of performers in processes of musical creation and repertoire formation.