Eleonore De Felip

University of Innsbruck, Research Institute Brenner-Archiv

Email eleonore.defelip[at]uibk.ac.at
Website https://www.uibk.ac.at/brenner-archiv/mitarbeiter/defelip.html
Project Name Lyrical Intensity
Publication Page https://www.uibk.ac.at/brenner-archiv/mitarbeiter/defelip.html
Field of research Theories of Intensity, Theories of the Lyric, German Literature from the 19th to the 21th Century, Literary Animal Studies
Keywords Lyrical Intensity | Theories of Intensity | Sensory-Processing Sensitivity | Friedrich Hölderlin | Georg Trakl | Paul Celan | Friederike Mayröcker | Gilles Deleuze | Jacques Derrida

Grown up in Bozen/Bolzano I studied German Philology and Classics at the Universities of Vienna and Innsbruck. At the university of Siena I completed the studies program “Master in studi sul libro antico”. I received my Ph.D. in German Literature at the University of Innsbruck, where I completed my dissertation titled “Die Zumutung einer Sprache ohne alle Gewähr. Ilse Aichingers Szenen und Dialoge ‘Zu keiner Stunde’”. My professional career is hallmarked by turnarounds. I started working as a teacher, continued as a librarian (specialized for ancient books) before I eventually dared to take what I felt was the right path for me. At the age of 40, I started working in research projects at the university of Innsbruck. At the age of 48, I proudly received my Elise-Richter-grant. Currently, I am completing my habilitation thesis titled „Poetische Intensität. Friederike Mayröckers Lyrik im Lichte historischer und zeitgenössischer Intensitätskonzepte”. My research interests center on theories of intensity, theories of the lyric, Austrian Literature from the 19th to the 21th century, and on Literary Animal Studies. When I am out of office, I can be found running through the woods with my dogs.