Doris Allhutter
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Technology Assessment
doris.allhutter[at] | |
Website | |
Project Name | Performativity in Computing |
Publication Page | |
Field of research | STS | Computing | Welfare Infrastructures |
Keywords | digitization | normativity of computing | infrastructural power | automation of public sector |
@allhutter |
Ideological Practices, Affect and Performativity in Computing
What is my research about?
My research focuses on how social inequality and ideologies of human difference co-emerge with information infrastructures and sociotechnical systems. I study the implicit normativity of computing practices under the lens of how these practices are entrenched in power relations and take a stake in co-producing gender, sex, race, ethnicity, class, and dis/ability. From this perspective, I have investigated various digital spheres, such as digital pornography, software development, machine learning, requirements engineering, and, currently, the automation of welfare.
What empowers me?
What is my vision for society?