Carola Bebermeier

University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw)

Project Name A World Within a Room?
Field of research Domestic music practices and salon culture in the US and Europe; music theater and singers; music and visual culture; music and material culture; musicological gender studies
Keywords Music | | | Salon | | | USA | | | Europe | | | Home | | | Singer | | | Music Theater | | | Visual Culture | | | Material Culture | | | Gender Studies

After studying music and history at the Cologne University of Music and Dance and the University of Cologne, Carola Bebermeier began her dissertation at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg with the topic “Celeste Coltellini (1760-1828) – Lebensbilder einer Sängerin und Malerin”. The doctoral thesis was awarded by the University of Oldenburg, the Mariann Steegmann-Foundation and the DAAD and was published by Böhlau-Verlag in 2015. In 2014/15 she was a research assistant at the University of Oldenburg and from 2016 to 2018 she held the same position at the University of Cologne. In 2019, she moved to the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, where she initially worked on the FWF project “Musical Crossroads. Music Cultural Exchange Europe-USA 1800-1950”. In 2022, she was awarded an Elise Richter grant to work on her habilitation project “A World Within a Room? Music Making and Salon Culture in the U.S. Parlor 1850-1950.” Carola Bebermeier is a founding member as well as a member of the executive council of the Society of Global Nineteenth Century Studies (SGNCS) and devotes her research to interdisciplinary and international exchange with a particular focus on the music cultural practices of opera, domestic music-making, music cultural transfer processes, and the relationships between visual and auditory cultures.