Angelika Psenner

TU Wien

Website http://www.stä
Project Name Street-Level Environment
Publication Page
Field of research Urban Design and Urban Structure Studies
Keywords Urban | Planning | | | Urban Design | | | Urban Structure Studies | | | Architecture | | | Public Space | | | Stadtparterre | | | Mobility

Angelika Psenner is Associate Professor of Urban Structure Studies at the Institute of Urban Design and Landscape, TU Wien. Her research and teaching cover the following topics: urban structures studies; urban planning, development & design; theories on the city, urban parterre (Stadtparterre); resilience; use-neutral building structures, mobility, perception of urban space and architecture, 3D-modelling on an urban scale.
Her work has been awarded with several academic prizes, amongst those the Elise Richter Funding by the Austrian Science Fund; Hochschuljubiläumsstiftungs-Preis by the City of Vienna; Research Fellowship by the International Research Center for Cultural Studies; Dr.-Maria-Schaumayer Research Funding Prize and Theodor-Körner Research Funding Grant.
Recent publications:
**Stadtparterre. 2023 jovis
**Urbane Mixturen. 2023 transkript
** PARIS TRANSFORMATIF eds: Psenner/Utech 2021
** Stadt transdiziplinär begreifen. Ein Statement; in: Architektur Fachmagazin People 2020
** Spatial Representation of Vienna’s Street-Level Environment – Urban Parterre Modelling (UPM); in: Digital Cities (Oxford Univ.Press) 2020 DOI:
** Wiener Null – Levelling the city of Vienna; in: Urban Research & Practice, Journal of the European Research Association EURA. 2018 DOI: 10.1080/17535069.2018.1510025
** The Viennese ‚Gewölbe‘: a highly decisive factor for the functioning of public space; in: The Public Sector 2018