Alina Brad

University of Vienna

Project Name The Politics of Negative Emissions Technologies in the EU
Field of research Political science, sustainability science
Keywords Climate Policy | | | Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies | | | Social-ecological Transformation

I am a political scientist focusing on climate policy and the politics of socio-ecological transformation. In my Elise Richter project (2023-2027), I study the integration of carbon dioxide removal technologies into European and international climate policy. I am specifically interested in whether and how expectations of future large-scale availability of these technologies deter more ambitious climate change mitigation action in climate policy (an effect known as ‘mitigation deterrence’). Another focus of my research lies on existing priorities and future potentials of demand-side climate mitigation strategies in Austria as part of a transdisciplinary research project funded by the Austrian Climate Change Research Program. I am also a coordinating lead author of the APCC Assessment Report on Climate Change in Austria, funded by the Climate and Energy Fund. I hold a position as senior scientist at the Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna.