Three Elise Richter Fellows were elected as new members of the Young Academy of the ÖAW

We are happy to announce that this year three Elise Richter Fellows have been elected into the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). Anaïs Angelo, Lisa Isola, and Sandra Müller were welcomed to the ÖAW on May 13th. The Young Academy currently consists of 63 excellent researchers who were elected on the basis of acquired important research awards and fellowships. One main aim of the Young Academy is to support innovative research and strengthen young researchers. During the 8 years of their membership Anaïs, Lisa, and Sandra now have the opportunity to actively contribute to the many interdisciplinary projects of the Young Academy. Continue readingThree Elise Richter Fellows were elected as new members of the Young Academy of the ÖAW

Cinzia Grifoni convenes an International Conference in the framework of her current ER-Project “Margins at the Centre”.

I am very happy that the International Conference “Margins at Centre – Practices of Annotation” is drawing nearer! The hybrid event takes place at the Viennese Institute for Medieval Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences on 23-24 May. I am proud and honored to convene an impressive line-up of international scholars discussing the cultural developments of Carolingian East Francia during the ninth century.Continue readingCinzia Grifoni convenes an International Conference in the framework of her current ER-Project “Margins at the Centre”.

„Prekäre Lage des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses. Verantwortungskonflikte zwischen Politik und Universitäten gehen auf Kosten Betroffener und des Wissenschaftsstandortes“ (Mediengespräch am 15.12.2021)

Aktuell finden die Leistungsvereinbarungsverhandlungen zwischen Universitäten und Bundesministerium für Bildung für die Jahre 2022 und 2025 statt. Hier wird die

Continue reading„Prekäre Lage des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses. Verantwortungskonflikte zwischen Politik und Universitäten gehen auf Kosten Betroffener und des Wissenschaftsstandortes“ (Mediengespräch am 15.12.2021)